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Hello, everyone!

This is Chano. I am a multi-skilled Sound Technician, also experienced in the visual field by filming and editing music videos, and by designing concert posters, booklets and CD covers. I am also a musician, songwriter and record producer since 2001: guitar, bass guitar, drums and vocals. At present, I am the lead singer and guitar player of the rock band NOUS, the drummer and backing vocals of the Spanish band NO ALOHA, and I also have collaborated with many other bands like Pen Cap Chew, Idioterne, Motociclón, The Halford Experience, etc.

​I am available to work in any of the following positions: Sound Technician, Video Editor, Camera Operator, Photographer, Graphic Designer, Musician (drums, guitars, bass, vocals), Songwriter, Record Producer, or any other related to the audiovisual field.


This site is being created to replace my old MySpace page. So, all along these pages, I am going to try to show you a bit of everything I do, as a musician, as a filmmaker, as a photographer, etc. Of course I am not the best, but I always do my best. I hope you enjoy it!



11 January 2013


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My second design on Illustrator

NOUS sticker 2013

To show you my progress on my way to improve my designing skills on Illustrator, here you go my second artwork using this software. I hope you like it!

Back in Spain, studying Image!

Madrid, October 2014

Eventually, I moved back to Spain in February 2014, and I am currently studying the superior technical course of Image Lighting, Capturing and Editing.

Between Spain and the UK.

Portsmouth, Sep. 2012

Due to the global crisis we're going through, even harder in Spain, I'm still lost half way between Madrid and Southsea. Where may I end up living...? What may come...?

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